Does your hotel appear on TripAdvisor?

Register your Hotel on TripAdvisor

TripAdvisor is a website where travelers from all around the world can share their experiences by writting a review, giving a rating and publishing photos about hotels, restaurants and activities (places) that they visited. TripAdvisor became the number one comparison tool used by travelers to help them making their choice when planning a trip. TripAdvisor is the equivalent of the traditionnal word of mouth… on Internet. Often critized (everybody can write a review), TripAdvisor remains however the main and unavoidable important platform for tourism professionals (with also the website Yelp in the United-States).


TripAdvisor profile of a small hotel in Belize: click here
TripAdvisor profile of a coffee tour offered by a b&b in Colombia: click here

How to make your Hotel appear on TripAdvisor?

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