Are you a local receptive agency with a «responsible tourism» state of mind ? You might want to contact some outbound french travel agencies sharing the same values. I’m sharing below some useful links :
Travel agencies already selling your country
To discover the different circuits already offered by some french travel agencies, select your country on Voyageons-Autrement website : Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, Oceania
N.B. You might see many circuits offered by Trace Directe or Evaneos. These are not traditionnal travel agencies. They’re online platforms selling circuits from local inbound travel agencies directly to the travelers. It’s kind of the « of travel packages». These «market places» are also taking a commission, usually around 10%.
List of «medium-size» travel agencies
The ATR label is gathering french travel agencies who are sharing the same «responsible tourism» set of values. Check the list of their members here :
List of «nonprofit» travel agencies
The ATES label and network is gathering French nonprofit travel agencies who are sharing the same «fair trade» principles. 4 to 6% of their global trip price is redistributed to a local NGO, nonprofit association or community of the country visited. Check the list of their members here : (go to the «membres» / «membres voyagistes» section of the website as indicated below).