16 countries of Latin America crossed
Almost 2 years travelling: 22 months
+100 responsible tourism initiatives visited
+100 videos shared
+80 good practices collected
+70 volunteering missions done
1 manual of marketing in free access for all gathered
Here I am back in France! It was quite an adventure and being back is a funny sensation: not only for the temperatures which had brutally fallen down from 30° to 10°, I alternate:
- moments of pure happiness: glad to find my country again and meet up with family and friends, also looking forward to start a new adventure, settle down a little bit and quite proud also to have led such a professional and personal project;
- and sadder moments of sweet nostalgia of this great journey, of Spanish language, and with a light feeling of vertigo in front of this huge freedom that I’m facing right now: which will be the next objective, where set up home and towards which kind of job directing me? Of course I had already some ideas on the matters, but I allow me some time to think it over before to take action.
I’ve been back for 15 days already and I’m thinking about editing a short video to make a documentary presentation of this HopTour Latin America. Meantime, here is a short video of testimonials from some of the tourism stakeholders met during the trip:
Click on the bottom-right icon to activate the video subtitles.